Trenier Broway 17" Archtop
From the builder:
"Once the design of the 16” guitar was worked out by the Gibson company in the late 1920‘s and expanded on by John D’Angelico shortly thereafter, a tone was achieved. It was a tone that was full, balanced, and powerful. This is a design worth exploring by any contemporary maker of guitars - parallel bracing, narrow f-holes closely spaced, eastern maple and adirondack spruce make for a shouty, robust tone, as fit for 4-to-the-bar comping as for Carl Kress-style chord melody.
To my ear, the perfect blend of power and beauty."
16" Archtop from luthier Bryant Trenier, built in the style of the original Gibson and D'Angelico archtops has a wonderful voice, with full bass and a very refined and smooth top end. Setup is also excellent.
Materials - Adirondack spruce soundboard, eastern hard maple back and sides
Nut - 1-3/4"
Bridge Spacing - 2-1/16"
Body size - 16.5”
Scale length - 24.75”, 25”
Finish - Lacquer, or varnish option
Condition is excellent with no issues to mention.